Saturday, December 11, 2010

Visual Essay Assignment

For the visual presentation project, I finally decided on a subject. My topic of discussion is going to be Aesthetics of Architecture in Atlanta. At this point in time I had no idea about what I was going to write about specifically, but I knew what my theme was and the general direction in which I was going. My strategy was to go out with a camera and take pictures of architecture around in the Midtown area. Amazingly, the hardest task was acquiring a camera. The library was booked for cameras for the following week, so I had to turn to a friend on the floor below me. She allowed me to borrow her camera that was on its last leg. Reluctantly it worked out and I ended up taking a total of 175 photos. This was much more than I needed. The experience was nothing short of amazing, seeing as how it gave me a chance to explore the city around me and spend a relaxing evening with no distractions. The pictures above were some of my favorite, but if you click here then you can check out more on my Picasa page. Now all I have left to do is come up with an overlying topic.

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