Saturday, December 11, 2010

Peter Sekaer

For the proceeding assignment to the art analysis essay, we are focusing on photography. As I stated in the previous post, photography is a very unique art. It may be very effective with very little skill. Our coming up task is to create a visual presentation with ten self-taken photos. Well, I have never taken professional photos, or any purpose oriented ones for that matter, but I am looking forward to this one. My possible topics are architecture, graffiti, or unique sculptures in the Midtown area. Since we will have to take our own photos (possibly, unless you already have yours) we will need to at least familiarize ourselves with examples of effective photography. Nearby at the High Museum there is an exhibition called Signs of Life by Peter Sekaer. Sekaer was a government employee for the Rural Electrification Administration and the United States Housing Authority, which is where many of the pictures were taken. The exhibition consists of 75 photos that document the effects of the great depression. Before doing the project I believe it would be a great asset to visit this exhibition, especially since we have unlimited access. To access the exhibition page, please click here

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