Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A hobby or a profession?

When it comes to the typical sense of art (i.e. painting, drawing, photography, sculpting, etc.), I find photography to be the simplest, but most interesting. In the other forms of art, a very difficult skill is needed to construct an attractive work, for the most part. For example, a poorly constructed painting that had a lot of intent behind it may not be as effective as a photograph that was taken with the same “amount” of intent. My point being is that less physical skills are required to take a very good quality photo that can have a very strong argument behind it. Also, in this time period, photography may in fact be a much cheaper alternative. With internet being accessed by more people, higher and higher quality cameras on cell phones, and technology becoming cheaper, photography has the potential to be an enjoyable hobby or a very serious occupation. The picture above is my friend Taylor Skalyo Riggs' Facebook profile picture. I believe it is a perfect example of what I am trying to argue.  

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