Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Elephants

I first discovered Salvador Dali about one year ago, and it was this painting in which I was introduced to that caught my eye. Me and a couple of friends took a senior trip to Savannah, Ga. and one of them was attending SCAD this fall, so we headed toward to campus. On the way there we passed a small poster shop on River Street. As we waked in a large, red poster grabbed my attention that was hanging in the corner. I found the artists’ name, saved it in my phone, and after finding access to the internet once again I immediately looked up Salvador Dali.

The work itself is very broad, in my opinion. From my perspective I assume the elephants represent humanity-or possibly even this reality-and the long slender legs could symbolize how unstable everything really is. This perspective interprets to the belief that our world balances on a very unstable platform. Not only did it make me think in different ways and question different aspects of life, but it presented me to Dali: a painter who changed painting and introduced radicle new ideas to the world of art, and psychology for that matter.  

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