Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Art of Imagination and Insignificance.

     I have recently finished the movie Donnie Darko. The movie revolves around a teenage boy who, at first, seems as though he is mentally insane. As the movie progresses you discover that all of his encounters throughout the story line are apart of a dream, one that allowed him to see into a different life in which his existence dramatized everyone else's life around him.
     Although I would love to continue, I am afraid I cannot do this. If you have not seen this movie yet then I highly recommend it. At the end I immediately thought of a song I had previously herd. "At the Bottom of Everything" is the first song on the album "We Are Nowhere And It's Now" by The Bright Eyes. It explains a story of a man coming to peace with his death as his plane is crashing. He states "I’m happy just because
I found out I am really no one".
     As both of these pieces come to an end I felt as if they have both touched on something different than that of many other works of art. At the end a sense of insignificance in this world came over me. It made me questions ones existence and purpose in life. 
     If you have seen or herd either of the pieces then please tell me the response you got from them. If you have not then I highly encourage you to. They are very interesting pieces and I am interested in seeing different peoples responses. 


  1. Donnie Darko was amazing. Rarely do you watch a movie that leaves your mind so blown with such a minimalist style.(the most recent mind-blower being Inception :P)... I just finished listening to the Church right now actually (Under the Milky Way, favorite song from the movie).

  2. Yes, I completely under stand where you are coming from. Oh, and your right. Inception was pretty great. Haha! Under the Milky Way was good, im not going to lie, however I like Mad World by Michael Andrews. The lyrics really go along with the movie theme and reason.

  3. Donnie Darko is completely mind-blowing. I always make people watch it if they haven't. It's one of those ones that you can watch again and again and pick up on new things.
    I really enjoy movies, and the artistic aspect of them, and I think that Donnie Darko really captures what it means for a movie to be really artistic and be truly touching -- it really makes you think and question both perceptions and assumptions.
    Awesome post!
    p.s. I like your blog layout.. awesome.

  4. Cody, I've seen Donnie Darko at least four times and it ceases to amaze me. The messages in the movie carry a heavy existentialistic tone. Donnie's life was meaningless in that he was meant to die. Donnie's recognition of this fact serves as his "enlightenment". I consider the movie an exceptional work of art.
    -Danny Rodriguez
